COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Notice
How to attend your dental visit at Cornelscourt Dental
Cornelscourt Dental has a long-standing commitment to the health care needs of our patients. The safety of our patients and staff is our highest priority. During this global COVID-19 pandemic, our commitment to providing a safe, reliable place to receive care is even more important to us. Minimising the risk of transmission has meant rapidly adopting new ways of working.
Taking into consideration some of our patients are elderly; vulnerable; immune compromised, our Waiting Room has been removed. This ensures no patients are required to wait with other patients.
How to attend your appointment
✓ If you are attending your appointment and are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus (COVID – 19) including a fever and/or a cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, loss of taste or smell and a high temperature please DO NOT attend for your appointment. Contact your GP by telephone immediately for medical advice.
✓ In the interest of safety, we request that you attend your appointment alone. Only when absolutely necessary should a patient be accompanied.
✓ Due to social distancing requirements, we kindly ask patients who are attending appointments to arrive on time for your appointment, please do not arrive early.
✓ Please telephone the practice (01-2896182) on your arrival and wait in your car until you are called by our Receptionist.
✓ Patients arriving by public transport / dropped off for an appointment should also telephone the practice on your arrival and wait outside until you are called by our Receptionist.
✓ As parking spaces are limited at the practice, we would appreciate when patients are being dropped off for an appointment, the driver of the vehicle parks their car away from the front of the practice.
✓ All patients will have their temperature checked and will be asked a series of questions about COVID-19 on arrival as part of our screening process and will be required to wear a mask entering the practice.
✓ Where a patient’s temperature is detected as elevated their appointment will be rescheduled.
✓ Patients will be asked to use Hand Sanitiser at the entrance to the practice and clinical areas.
✓ Patients will be given a Perspex box to place their belongings in before entering the surgery. This box will accompany the patient into the surgery and their belongings will be removed after treatment. The box will then be cleaned accordingly.
✓ As part of our measures to reduce waiting times and promote social distancing amongst patients in the practice, we would appreciate if patients could pay for their treatment in advance where possible.
Covid is an airborne disease and can stay suspended in the air for up to 3 hours.
There have been a number of additional protective measures put in place to ensure the continued safety of our patients and staff.
Methods in use in our clinic to Protect our patients and staff:
✓ Adjustment to the clinic layout using glass to create different zones.
✓ Use of Air purifiers in each surgery with Hepa plates to vacuum any aerosols (air created when the Drill is used)Use of aircon to recycle the air in the clinic and create negative pressure rooms so the flow of air is controlled.
✓ Fogging of each surgery using Hypochlorus acid (HOCL) made from salt and water by an electrolysis unit. This mild acid is an all-natural antimicrobial agent. This is used between patients after any treatment involving an aerosol.
✓ Enhanced Personal Protective Equipment
✓ Installation of Glass Screening for Reception
✓ Extensive Environmental Cleaning pre and post patient care